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As Droughts Worsen Globally, Water Scarcity Likely to Grow For Agriculture

May 16, 2022

Drought and water scarcity in agriculture are expected to increase over time, according to two new reports. Drought due to climate change is growing, says a United Nations report, while another study finds that water scarcity is expected to increase in areas where crops are grown by 2050. According to the United Nations Convention to […]

Water Footprints 101

July 24, 2019

Ready to explore Water Footprints 101 and learn more about your direct and virtual water use?  Learn about how your choices and habits affect your water use inside and outside of your home, through the food you eat, the products you buy and even the energy you use. And find out how (and why) we […]

Water in the Things You Buy

September 17, 2019

Although unseen, millions of gallons of water go into the products you buy, use and throw away. Find out how smarter purchasing can reduce your water footprint. The Hidden Water in Everyday Products How to Dress Greener: 5 Reasons to Shop at Thrift Stores

Change Buying Habits

September 25, 2019

Practically everything you buy, use and consume has a water footprint because it took water to process and transport it. Being thoughtful about purchases, reusing where you can and recycling can reduce your water footprint. Shop Smarter Recycle Paper Recycle Plastic Bottles & Cans Reuse/Recycle Clothing & Linens

Data Centers, Digital Lifestyles and Water Use

November 9, 2018

When people use the internet, they rely on a data center to store, manage and disseminate information. To keep these centers running efficiently, a tremendous amount of energy and water are required, providing yet another example of the important nexus between water and energy resources. Digital cryptocurrencies cause similar concerns. How Do Data Centers Use […]

Our Water-Energy-Food Nexus Reports

April 21, 2022

Our Water-Energy-Food Nexus reports illustrate the connections between water, energy and food systems. Know the Nexus (the Report) explores policies that affect the connections and can throw the systems out of balance. Meet the Nexus (the Guide) shows consumers how our every day actions and purchases influence the three systems. Nexus Reports Food, Water and […]

Disminuya el empleo de agua en el hogar

January 9, 2020

Cada día, usted emplea agua para una amplia variedad de usos alrededor de la casa. Siempre hay muchas oportunidades para reducir el consumo de agua en la cocina, cuarto de baño o lavadero, e incluso, al arreglar las pérdidas o goteos. Cocina Lavado de los platos Duchas y baños Lavabo del baño Inodoro Lavandería Pérdidas […]

Disminuya el empleo de agua en el exterior

January 9, 2020

De toda el agua residencial que usamos en los EE. UU., en promedio empleamos alrededor de una cuarta parte en los exteriores. En algunos estados del oeste varía desde la mitad a las tres cuartas partes, principalmente para céspedes y jardines. Algunos pasos simples pueden reducir el consumo de agua en exteriores, así que apriete […]

Cambiar los hábitos de compra

January 9, 2020

Prácticamente todo lo que compramos, usamos y consumimos tiene una huella de agua porque se empleó agua para su procesamiento y transporte. Podemos reducir esa huella cuando prestamos atención a las compras y reutilizamos o reciclamos materiales. Realice compras más sabias Recicle los papeles Recicle los plásticos Recicle botellas y latas Reutilice o recicle prendas […]