Why Britain’s Rain Can’t Sustain its Thirst

Why Britain’s Rain Can’t Sustain its Thirst

Think water-rich Britain is uniformly water rich with lush greenery throughout the entire region? Think again. The most populated and driest region – the Southeast, where London is located – might soon be facing water shortages.

What? Water shortages in London, England? That’s right!

No place is immune from drought. In 2018, England had six consecutive months of below average rainfall, causing many reservoirs to run dangerously low;  in 2017, England had the driest 10-month period for more than 100 years. Projections are for this drying trend to continue with increasing climate change impacts.

new British government report about water use shows that 28 percent of groundwater aquifers and up to 18 percent of rivers and reservoirs, are being used unsustainably. Beyond that, only 17 percent of England’s rivers are classified as being in ‘good ecological health.’ Not good for the Empire.

Over half of Britain’s water goes to domestic uses and, according to WWF-UK, people there use water wastefully. They, along with several other groups, are recommending conservation programs.

It looks like Londoners may be about to experience a little of what California cities and towns have had to deal with over the past few years. And Cape Town. And Sao Paulo. Which big city will be next?