Nine Books to Help You Create a Plastic-Free Lifestyle

Nine Books to Help You Create a Plastic-Free Lifestyle

Life Without Plastic

Life Without Plastic? Yes, it’s possible to do. These nine books can help you get there.

Plastic is everywhere. Not just in our homes, schools and offices, but it fills our waterways, lakes and oceans. If you are concerned about all this plastic and the waste it creates, there are many ways to help you steer clear of using, buying and accumulating plastic.

Author Stacey Smith and her crew review nine of what they consider the best books that detail the problems of plastics and offer guidance about how create a plastic-free lifestyle. (**SPOILER**: The strongest recommendation goes to Lucy Siegle’s book Turning the Tide, which they say is both surprising and inspiring.)

Read more about how the beauty industry generates a lot of plastic waste.
